- Cool Breeze Routes & Maps -
Cool Breeze Routes are listed below as of August 5, 2023. Please click on the title of each ride to be directed to the "Ride w/GPS" link where you can download the route onto your iPhone or Garmin devices. You may also printout the route slips. Note that routes can be changed due to weather, road conditions and unexpected events. Pick up the current route directions at the Cool Breeze registration tables.

Mini-Metric Route Map (30 Miles)
is a perfect introduction for beginner to intermediate, family, or recreational cyclists.
is a perfect introduction for beginner to intermediate, family, or recreational cyclists.

Metric Century Route Map (64 miles)
is for the “not quite up for a century but don’t bore me” rider.
is for the “not quite up for a century but don’t bore me” rider.

Century Route Map (102 miles)
It’s what put us on the map! If this is your first organized century, you’re in for a treat.
It’s what put us on the map! If this is your first organized century, you’re in for a treat.